SIOS18 2021-09-28T07:38:12+00:00

Project Description

SIOS18 – StartupItalia Open Summit

Healthcare is one of the most innovative sectors nowadays. It does so by with startups and research centres But how to best match medical research, technological innovation, the exponential strength of the internet with its sharing and the risks involved in protecting privacy? Identikit of all those services customised to the care and reception of the patient, projects of prevention and diagnostics that adopt advanced digital tech, models linked to the processing of big data to enhance people’s quality of life.

Chiara Sgarbossa, Direttore Osservatorio Innovazione digitale in Sanità – Politecnico di Milano
Paolo Rizzardi, Altheia Science founder
Mario Merlo, General Manager Sanofi Pasteur
Paolo Bonanni, Calendario per la vita Chairman
Massimo Polidoro, CICAP General Manager

Chaired by Roberto Ascione, Healthware Group CEO & Founder

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