Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy
Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy - Ep5 - Roberto Ascione [ENGLISH] Invite Roberto for speaking
“10 years in 10 days – a Digital Health Leapfrog”
Roberto's speech at WMF Start the future
In Italy, we are doing 10 years of digital health evolution in 10 days
Interview with Jessica DaMassa, WTF Health
Should Your Startup Go to Europe for Frontiers Health in 2020?
Interview with Jessica DaMassa at FH19
Roberto Ascione and Unity Stoakes dialog on the next decade of Digital Health on StartUp Health TV
Roberto Ascione and Unity Stoakes, President of StartUp Health have been discussing on a decade of Digital Health.
Roberto Ascione | La salute del futuro: la rivoluzione digitale che mette al centro la prevenzione [ITALIAN]
Il talk unisce all’analisi approfondita delle nuove avanguardie della salute digitale una panoramica delle Startup più innovative del settore